#BoycottAutismSpeaks Virtual Protest!
We are asking all boycotters to photograph themselves holding a sign of protest against Autism Speaks. These photos will be shared on Facebook, Twitter, our #EducateSesame blog, and with supporters of... A$. Information can be directed at Sesame Street, any other A$ sponsor, or to the world in general, but we must continue speaking out!
Get to work on your picket signs!
Image Description: Three photographs are featured in this meme.
On the left is a woman, wearing glasses and a gray #BoycottAutismSpeaks t-shirt. She is holding a sign that reads: I love Autistic people! We are not your tragedy!
In the center is a heavily tattooed man wearing a black t-shirt. He is holding a sign that reads: Because I care about Autistic people, I know it's time to listen to Autistic voices. Boycott Autism Speaks.
On the right is another woman, leaning against a dock with boats and water in the background. She is wearing a white t-shirt with red lettering. Her facial expression is clearly one of boredom, and text next to her reads: I said so many times: Sesame Workshop, Autism Speaks HURTS Autistic people! I am tired and bored waiting for a response. Sesame Workshop, why are you ignoring us?
Text explaining the event: Wanted: Pictures of Protest! #EducateSesame #LoveNotFear #posAutive
Get out your picket
signs, it's time for a
virtual protest! Please
PM your photos to our
Facebook page or email us,
to participate. |
Image description: Picture of a young woman wearing glasses and standing in what looks like a room. She has a serious facial expression and is holding a sign with a blue puzzle piece with a red slashed circle on the right upper corner. The sign reads:
"I'm here.
I'm whole.... This is autism. This is my voice. I boycott Autism Speaks" |
Image description: I am sitting at my desk wearing a gray shirt with the words #boycottautismspeaks and a partial red heart showing. In the background there are books and a green peace sing on the wall. I am half smiling. Next to me there is a computer with a blue screen and the text: Sesame Workshop. I am Autistic and I asked you to listen. Autism Speaks hurts Autistics! Why are you ignoring me? |
Image Description: A man standing in front of some green foliage. He is wearing a white t-shirt, and has his dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. He holds a sign with the text: ... Autism It's not a disease or disorder. You can't cure or treat it. There are no symptoms and no deficits. My Autism is a person and that person is me. To remove the Autism you have to kill me. I would rather live. |
Image of a man, holding a sign which reads:
You may ignore adults with ASD such as myself, but I was raised to speak up against bullies.
We speak love. ... You speak hate. We speak truth. You speak lies. We speak humility. You speak profits. We think outside the box. You think inside your bank accounts. You will be held accountable for your actions. I am 30. I live alone. I work. I play. I have hobbies. I do NOT need to be "fixed." -DS. |
Image Description: A young man with a black, gray, and green long sleeved shirt on. He is looking down, and holding a notebook with the first page reading: "Don't Lisen" Under the text is a picture of a puzzle piece slashed out. |
Image Description: Red and orange background, with a camp style fire burning t-shits with puzzle pieces on them. A hand is reaching down to the fire, to put another t-shirt in. |
This is Leah. She is 38 and proud!! Image Description: A picture of a smiling woman, holding a sign that reads: I am an Aspie. ... I am a Veteran. I am an artist, a musician, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. I am not to be pitied, feared, or dismissed. I am not a burden or a tragedy. I am simply...me. #BoycottAutismSpeaks |
Image Description: A woman wearing a blue-green button up shirt. She is holding a sign which reads: I have Asperger's, I am not a tragedy or burden. I am an author, activist, and business owner. Most importantly, I am a parent to two beautiful children. Does that sound tragic to you? Autism $peaks, you do not speak for me or my family. I am Autism. #BoycottAutismSpeaks |
Image description: Dark haired female with serious facial expression holding up a sign that reads "I am Autistic. It's time for you to Listen! Autism Speaks hurts me and my family! Boycott Autisim Speaks!" |
Image Description: Young boy standing in front of a white door. He has an eye patch with a skull and bones on it,... a yellow shirt with an orange dinosaur. With one hand he is holding a small magna-doodle with the words "Boycott AS" written on it. His other hand is making a thumbs up. Behind him are three hand written signs. The first says "My mom is autistic like me. But apparently A$ won't listen to adults with autism. So I am a cute kid asking you to." The second sign reads "I'm Autistic. Accept and support me, not Autism Speaks." with a signature from the child below. The third sign is hashtagged with #EducateSesame #LoveNotFear #posAutive and boycott Autism Speaks. |
Image Description: Dark haired man with serious facial expression holding up a sign that reads: "Because I care about Autistic people, I know it's time to listen to Autistic Voices! Boycott Autism Speaks" |
Image of a woman wearing a blue zip up sweat shirt. She is holding two signs. The first one reads: I am a human being I am alive I have feelings I can think I can speak for myself I am Autistic There is nothing to cure The second sign reads: But Autism Speaks doesn't accept that. So I don't accept Autism Speaks until the want to listen. #BoycottAutismSpeaks |
Image Description: woman, leaning against a dock with boats and water in the background. She is wearing a white t-shirt with red lettering. Her facial expression is clearly one of boredom, and text next to her reads: I said so many times: Sesame Workshop, Autism Speaks HURTS Autistic people! I am tired and bored waiting for a response. Sesame Workshop, why are you ignoring us? |
Image description: Picture of the face of a man smiling. He is holding a paper sign, with printed text which reads:
I have Asperger’s.
I am an adult.
I am an educator, ... a performer, and a registered voter. My existence is not tragic. I can speak for myself. #boycottautismspeaks
On the left is a woman, wearing glasses and a gray #BoycottAutismSpeaks t-shirt. She is holding a sign that reads: I love Autistic people! We are not your tragedy! |
Image Description: A picture of a hand holding up a salmon colored paper with the following hand written words: So what if I am a teen with Asperger's? It doesn't mean I'm helpless. It means I will go far in life. I will strive towards becoming a musician. Don't treat us Aspies like we're inferior. We're humans too! #BoycottAutismSpeaks |
Image description: two black and white pictures, a young woman and a little child. They are smiling in both pictures. On the top picture, the text reads: Autism is a lot of things. On the bottom picture it reads: a tragedy is not one of them. |
Image Description: A photo of a mother and daughter, large paintings and artwork behind them. ...
The mother has short dark hair, is wearing a dark tank top, and holding a sign that says: "I love my Aspie daughter" with an arrow pointing to her daughter. #BoycottAutismSpeaks at the bottom.
The daughter is a young woman, also with short dark hair, and holding a sign. Her sign reads: "I love my Aspie self." and an arrow pointing up towards her face. There is a small hand-drawn picture of a cat, and the hashtag #BoycottAutismSpeaks at the bottom.
Both women have gentle smiles. |
Image Description: A photograph featuring a young woman, smiling, wearing a crown, and purple and white cape. She is standing in a room with other seated people. There are large blue and dark wood chairs resembling thrones around the room. A text bubble coming... from her reads: I am proud to be an Aspie, and that wouldn't change if you dared me. A Rainbow puzzle piece is at the bottom of the picture, but a big red devil's face is superimposed on top of it.
The young woman featured had this to say about the photo: i am in the group jobs daughters…they just installed me as the junior princess and 1 year ill be the honored queen" |
Image description: Picture is of a young woman wearing a hat and holding a notepad in her mouth. She is in what seems to be a bedroom. There are pictures and a cross in the background. The text in the note pad is handwritten and reads:
I am Autistic! I love Matt Smith, so I am just like you. Don't let A$ [Autism Speaks] lie to you about me.
Boycott A$ [Autism Speaks]. Don't listen to Autism Speaks Sesame Street! |
Image description: A white piece of paper covering someone's face and being held by two hands that appear to be from someone young. The text on the paper is handwritten and reads:
Boycott Autism Speaks
Why are you ignoring me? I am Autistic, I can speak. Love me for who I am. |
Image description: A smiling Asian woman wearing glasses and orange shirt, holding a handwritten sign that reads: Autism is a gift. It is a gift to the world. I am not a "tragedy". Boycott Autism Speaks. |
Image Description: A picture of a young girl with brown, above the shoulder length hair. She is wearing a red shirt and polka dotted shorts and holding a sign that reads: Autism Speaks DO NOT speak for me! Not a tragedy.
Unique... Tenacious Inspiring Sensational McKenna 5 yo ASD and proud!! |
Virtual Protester from France! Send us yours and we will share it too.
SA means Spectre Autistique or Syndrome d'Asperger in French!
Image Description: A photo of a young woman with short dark hair. She is wearing a green and plaid shirt, and holding a sign drawn on graph paper that says: I have SA I Boycott AS |
Image description: A picture of a boy, with his hands behind his head, gently smiling at the camera. He is wearing a green shirt. The text, "Born Perfect" is in bold white lettering. Below the picture is the hashtag #BoycottAutismSpeaks |
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